continuation during periods of committee work 86
retirement, chief clerks act as agents for 92
Employment relations (contract ratification) bill:
introduction in limited-business floorperiod81m
introduction in special or extraordinary session 81 (2)(c)
introduction in veto review session 82 (1m)(e)
Enacting clause of bill:
constitutional wording, art. IV-17 (1), Wis. Con. 52 (3)
insertion (when missing) is clerical correction 56 (3)(a)
Engrossed measures:
analysis revised if time permits 63
chief clerk may order reproduction of 63
joint resolution amending joint rules 98 (4)
recorded in bill history 32 (1)(i)
title catalog of statutes affected, LRB to
correct 52 (7), 56 (3)(b)
Engrossed proposal, definition99 (25)
Enrolled bills:
book of, kept by chief clerk open for inspection 33
prepared by legislative reference bureau 60
submitted to office of the governor 34
title catalog of statutes affected, LRB to correct 52 (7), 56 (3)(b)
Enrolled joint resolution:
assignment of numbers35
chief clerk submits to secretary of state 33 (2)
prepared by legislative reference bureau 60
which to be included in session laws 66 (1)
Enrolled proposal, definition99 (26)
Estimates, fiscal, see Fiscal estimates 41 to 50
Executive budget bills (s. 16.47) do not require fiscal
estimate 41 (1)(b)
Executive sessions of committees:
held at state capitol, exception 84 (1)
notice of, to comply with house rules 84 (2)
open to public 27
record of 31
schedule of activities 75
Expense reimbursement for legislators 85
Explanative notes, when permitted, not part of law 59
Expulsion of member (2/3 vote of all elected
members required) 12 (2)(b)
Expunge, definition99 (27)
Extended floorperiod 81 (2), 83 (5)
Extraordinary session, definition99 (27m)
Extraordinary session:
called by organization committees, joint resolution,
or joint petition of members 81 (2)(a)
introduction of proposals 81 (2)(c), 83 (5)
limited to business specified in call 81 (2)(b)
reproduction in advance of extraordinary session 81 (2)(c)
senate organization committee may schedule
session days for action on pending governor's
appointments 81 (3)(b)
Final adverse disposition after certain floorperiods:
of proposals 83 (4), (5)
of vetoes 82 (2)(b)
Fiscal bills defined, ayes and noes (quorum of 3/5
of members elected required) 11 (2)
Fiscal estimate, definition99 (28)
Fiscal estimates 41 to 50
administration, department of:
consolidates agency estimates 41 (3)(d)
coordinates procedure 46
local fiscal effect 42 (1)(c)
minor clerical corrections in agency
estimates 41 (3)(i), 46 (5)
supplemental estimate
(if disagreement) 41 (3)(c), (f), 48 (3)
agency preparing:
all agencies having information to furnish
estimates 42 (1)(a)
may rewrite after discussion with
bill author 41 (3)(h), 48 (4)
name of agency, preparer and date to be
shown on 42 (2)
amendment (bill as affected by), supplemental estimate:
joint finance committee may order 41 (3)(a)
presiding officer may authorize on request 41 (3)(b)
author of bill reviews fiscal estimate 48
bills not conforming 49
bills requiring 41
committees, when to act on bill requiring 49 (2)
consolidated, department of administration
may prepare 41 (3)(d)
electronic transmission41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50
executive budget bill exempt (s. 16.47 only) 41 (1)(b)
general procedures 42
jackets to display "FE" 44
joint finance committee:
legislative fiscal bureau memoranda 47
supplemental estimate on amended bill or
substitute 41 (3)(a)
legislative fiscal bureau:
memoranda to joint finance committee 47
supplemental estimate (if
disagreement) 41 (3)(c), (f), 48 (3), (4)
legislative reference bureau, duties
relating to 44 (2), 45, 48 (1), (4)
local fiscal effect to be shown 41 (1)(a), 42 (1)(c)
may be obtained before bill introduction 45 (1), (2)
member may raise issue that bill requires 49 (1)
prepared by each agency having information on bill 42 (1)(a)
presiding officer:
authorizes supplemental estimate for amended bill
or substitute 41 (3)(b)